Wednesday 18 August 2021

The Magadha Empire

Period - 6th Century to 4th Century BC
King - Haryanaka

A. Haryanaka Dynasty : 544 BC - 412BC

     Bimbisara : 544 BC - 492 BC

  • 1st Founder of Haryanaka Dynasty
  • Childhood name Shronika
  • Capital - Giribraj or Rajgrigh
  • Bimbisara was contemporary of Lord Mahavira and Patron of Buddha.
  • 1st Wife - Kosladevi (Sister of Kosal King Prasenjit)
  • 2nd Wife - Chellana (Sister of Lichchhavi Head Chaetaka)
  • 3rd Wife – Khema (Daughter of Madra King)


      Ajatashatru : 492 BC - 460 BC

  • Childhood name Kunika
  • 1st Indian King Killed his Father (Bimbisara)
  • Ajatshatru struggled in the war against the Vajjis / Lichhavis but managed to defeat them
  • Magadha became the most powerful kingdom in Northern India during his reign. 

      Udayin : 460 BC - 440 BC

  •  Ajatshatru was killed by his son Udayin
  •  Udayin founded new capital at Patliputra
  • Last ruler of Nagdashak.

B. Shisunaga Dynasty : 412 BC - 344 BC

  • Shishunaga was the founder of Shishuhaga Dynasty
  • Shishunaga shifted its capital from Rajgriha to Patliputra.
  • According to Buddhist Sources he also had a secondary capital at Vaishali.
  • Shishunaga was succeeded by Kalashoka
  • The Puranas he was mentioned as Kakavarna
  • 2nd Buddhist Council organised by Kalashoka at Vaishali in 383 BC.
  • The last ruler of Shishunaga dynasty was Nandivardhan.

C. Nanda Dynasty : 344 BC - 323 BC


  • 1st Ruler of Nanda Dynasty
  • Mahapadmananda established the Nanda dynasty into a powerful empire.
  • Mahapadmananda had the titles of Ekarat and Sarvakshatrantaka.
  • The Nanda dynasty followed by Jainism.
  • Last ruler of Nanda dynasty was Dhanananda.
  • Chandragupta Maurya defeated Dhanananda and laid the foundation of Maurya empire.


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