Friday 20 August 2021

Foreign Invasions

  1. Iranian/Persian Invasion - Darius’s Invasion (518 BC)

  • The Achaemenian ruler Darius 1st (Darayabahu) penetrated into North-West India in 518 BC and annexed Punjab, West of the Indus and Sindh.

  • The Indo-Iranian Contact lasted for about 200 years.

  1. Macedonian Invasion - Alexander’s Invasion (326 BC)

  • Alexander was born in 356 BC

  • The king of Macedonia in Greece.

  • Ambhi, the prince of Taxila surrendered to Alexander without fight.

  • The Kingdom of porus lay between the Jhelum and the Chenab rivers. King Porus provided strong resistance to Alexander.

  • Beetle of Hydaspeas took place between King Porus & Alexander in 326 BC.

  • Alexander was impressed with the courage of King Porus and treat him as a great warrior gave him back his kingdom.

  • Alexander died in Babylon in 324 BC.

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